1. If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
I would probably have to say a bird....most likely a robin. Mainly cause I could just fly wherever I want to. Although I love walking how cool would it be to be able to just fly everywhere. Also Robins are pretty dam fancy, yet casual at the same time!
2. Money is no object, where's the next place you'd like to travel to?
Sadly I haven't really had a chance to travel at all so far so anywhere really. At the moment however, I really want to go to South America. Also Iceland but maybe wait till this volcano calms down (unless my money can control volcanoes as well in which case Iceland first).
3. What's your favourite breakfast food?
Breakfast is my favourite meal so this is a bit of a toughie. If it's normal everyday breakfast.....cereal and toast cause it keeps me full. But if I can do whatever I want...pancakes and honey with blueberries and strawberries.
4. Best fancy dress costume you've ever made/wore?

This little gem is probably one of the best as it took so little effort and I won best costume (unbeknownest to myself) One of the few joys of having curly hair is that I am able to make it look crazy with very little effort..all I did was brush my hair and spray it with colour in this photo!
5. What's your favourite thing about where you live/your home town?
My favourite thing about where I live at the moment is the variety of parks close at hand. Also as a country girl at heart I love being able to escape the crazy London crowds during the summer time and sit in the nice quite park in Ladywell.
6. A song that'll always get you on the dance floor?
Saturday night is always a goodie when it comes to dancing......mostly at cheesy get togethers though!
7. What did you want to grow up to be when you were little?
Weirdly I wanted to be a pathologist when I was little.....
8. Do you have a favourite quote or motto?
Not one that I would say out loud but lately I do think a lot along the lines of 'If it's meant to be'.
9. If you had to cook a three course meal ('Come Dine with Me' style-y) what would you make?
Oh good question! Starter would probably be a Charcuterie board of some effect...maybe mini individual ones for the person who doesn't like to share their food. Main could be beef, most likely steak. Finally for desert I would make a lemon tart...cause its delicious!
10. What are you most looking forward to right at this moment?
Dinner....roasted ham.
11. Lastly, but not least importantly, biscuit or cake?
Now for 11 facts about myself:
1- I have always been told I talk too much.
2- 'Inside voice' is a common statement directed to me.
3- I love to bake although I don't do it very often cause we never end up eating all of what I made.
4- I am obsessed with any form of house programme on telly.
5- I wish I was better at playing both the violin and piano.
6- I love walking and really wish I could have a dog to walk these days
7- Cats scare me....they are too clever and always seem to be up to something.
8- I constantly come up with craft ideas and very rarely start or finish them.
9- I hate nightclubs....give me a pub with some good friends and live music any day.
10- I start my first ever real job tomorrow and I am most worried about the fact that there are no hot drinks during the day!
11- I love the sweet peas (the flower....not some weird sweet pea.
I'm pretty sure that all of my favourite blogs have had been nominated for a Leibster award but as I would love to learn more about this lady I nominate
The cup and saucer
My questions for you are as follows:
1- What is your favourite meal?
2- If you could live anywhere where would you like to live right now?
3- If you could have one skill what would it be?
4- What is your favourite part of blogging?
5- What's your favourite place to eat/ drink at the moment?
6- Cat or dog?
7- Staycation or vacation?
8- If you won the lotto what is the first thing you would do?
9- What season do you like best?
10- Most recent movie watched?
11- What is your favourite way to spend the weekday evenings?
For anyone else who wants to answer the questions please do and let me know...I love being nosey!!
Chloe x