The monster fish! |
Sometimes you just need a break. Not for any real reason. Sometimes it's just nice to self indulge. Adam and I decided we were going to do just that this weekend.
We planned a cinema trip (courtesy of a Christmas voucher), lunch, ly-ins, and just general relaxation.
We pretty much nailed it on the head. We did exactly what we wanted, when we wanted.
We don't do valentines around here, not for any real objection to it but it's just not our thing, I'd rather a bunch of daffodils than a bunch of roses. That said however, i had some observations on Friday so to cheer me up in case they didn't go well (thankfully they did) we planned a steak night! Oh yea.....steak!!!
Saturday was lazy day.....a long ly in, papers and croissants in bed, no rush to get up. My kind of Saturday morning.
Wolf of Wall Street was our film of choice to use up the vouchers. So glad we chose it.
Wolf of wall street was definitely worth the wait. What a film. Despite it's length, i only got a tiny bit restless just at the end (i like to stretch me legs out and that can't happen in the cinema). We left quoting all our favourite lines and thinking just how crazy his life was.
Then the biggest treat of the day was definitely going to a Turkish restaurant in Lewisham. We have walked past
Levante Pide a hundred times and repeatedly said we should try it out. We hadn't booked anywhere and couldn't get into where we wanted to go so on our way home we decided to go here as plan B. I'm glad we did. It was delicious. No photos cause we were far too busy munching our our kebabs, but a nice change from the tandoori we usually pick up on a Saturday night.
As good as Saturday was, Sunday was definitely my favourite day of the weekend. A beautiful day with sunshine all day long and that chill in the air that makes your face tingle. We hadn't made any plans but inspired by Annie's post
about the barbican I suggested we give it a visit.
A nice and detoured walk from Canon street, with a stop at the Guildhall art Gallery, (there's a Roman Amphitheatre underneath it) we walked along all the high walks till we reached the centre of the Barbican estate. What a cool place. With flats selling at £500,000 for a one bed flat sadly ill never get to live there (a new dream i formed while walking round it) but wow....it's amazing.
The Barbican centre is also cool, and the conservatory is just bizarre. My favourite was definitely the giant fish they have in the pond there.....they are beasts!!
We stopped for some hot chocolate and a giant slice of Victoria Sponge at the Foodhall on the ground floor and watched all the people come and go.
And then it was time to head on home....but wandering around the City in the sunshine was such a relaxing way to spend our Sunday that we were tuckered out by the time we got home!
How was your weekend? Glad to see some sunshine finally making an appearance?
Chloe X