Monday, 1 September 2014

Moments from the last 7 days

Yay...I managed to only miss one 7 day review so far....I'm feeling a little bit proud of that. The last two weeks have been so lovely. Adam and I went back to Northern Ireland for a week and then I stayed on a week longer to attend a family wedding. We were total tourists while in Northern Ireland which was nice for a change, we even managed to get in a gig since Belsonic was on while we were back.

Anyway, the last 7 days:

1- Visiting childhood locations with happy memories.

2- Saving some kittens

3- Playing hairdresser for my little sis despite the fact I am one of the worst people to ask to help when it comes to worked out okay in the end.

4- Attending one of the most beautiful and relaxed weddings i have been to. An outside wedding in Ireland is brave but it paid off for them.

5- Acting silly around family

6- Getting seats with extra leg room for my flight back to London....most likely the comfiest flight I've ever had as a result.

7- Being distracted from my nerves by Adam all day long....and getting a delicious dinner in the meantime.

All in all it was a pretty good week. This week is my first in my new job so I'm expecting to be exhausted come Friday!

How has your last week been? Chloe x


  1. Ooh those dresses are a lovely colour, sounds like a great wedding! :)

    1. They really were gorgeous...although they come out a bit brighter on the computer.
