Monday, 13 January 2014

What's in a new year?

Blogosphere has been awash with new year resolutions and goal setting for the last couple of weeks.

As usual, I'm slightly late at all the revelling and welcoming a new year in. Why? Mainly because I've been rushed off my feet. 6 weeks off uni hasn't turned out as nice as i thought it sounded but I'm getting my head around everything now and finally embracing all the things that i have to do.

With all the rushing about i took time to switch off my brain and have a gentle think about new years resolutions.

Firstly let me tell you a little secret. I hate new years resolutions. I'm also not that big on the whole new years thing in general. It makes little difference to me other than i have to try to remember to put 2014 instead of 2013 when writing the date. Some people feel like life is going to change dramatically and suddenly be great just because a new year has started.

Well done you if you feel that way and genuinely make a go at trying to make it better. I know lots of people who just expect things to change in a new year without trying though and it just seems so silly.

It also seems stupid to set something that you probably don't enjoy in the most depressing time of year. It seems to me that people end up stopping their resolutions after a couple of weeks and then end up feeling crap about themselves for not continuing with them.Then the whole thing is just worse than it would have been if they didn't set a goal in the first place.

Why make yourself feel bad for enjoying yourself. I did dry January last year (not intentionally, it just kind of happened) and it's not really something i could be bothered to actually set as a challenge for myself.

I know some people live off goals and setting goals and making lists of things they need to do. Don't get me wrong, i like to make lists too, mainly because ill forget everything otherwise, but i just don't feel like i constantly need to set myself goals and challenges.

If I'm not happy with something I'm doing i try to stop myself from doing that. Since Christmas I've tried to stop myself from eating chocolate so often (it's really not great for my poor skin). However, I still managed to contribute to the eating of three tins of sweets in my house while i was home for Christmas. I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I'm just going to use it as a motivation to eat more fruit instead.

So, where am I going with this rant? Well i have decided to try set myself one little task....i refuse to use 'goal' in my personal life.

This poor little blog has been neglected since birth. I manage to find time to read the blogs i follow, check Pintrest a couple of times a day, I even recently joined Instagram. I've got projects completed and pictures sitting on my laptop, waiting to be put somewhere. I am therefore going to get my ass in gear and start posting on here more.

Life gets in the way of lots of things but i like doing my projects, i like reading about other peoples projects and i am going to try my bestest to talk about and put up my projects here.

There a 'task' for me to complete in the coming year, and onwards!

How do you feel about the new year? Do you like to set yourself goals and make resolutions?

Chloe x


  1. I think that the way I feel about 'resolutions' is very similar to how you feel about 'goals' :) New resolutions or goals in jan, for me personally, don't really work. So, last year I made a list in February (controversial eh?) of some things that I wanted to change about my life - nothing too concrete like, "cut out chocolate", but more "really think about what you're putting into your body". Turns out that this more casual way of setting goals and sticking to them is perfect for me. Happy belated new year and good luck with your 2014 'tasks'!

  2. ooh very controversial with February!! I'm glad they worked better for you that way, so far im managing to stick to the tasks so we'll see how it goes!!
