Monday, 22 September 2014

Moments from the last 7 days

Birdcycle by Methane Studios

Well well well...what a crazy week it has been. This will be my fourth week at my new job and it has gone so diary is filling up pretty quickly too which now makes me realise i need to be quick about getting annual leave booked!! Anyway, some moments from the last week that have made me happiest:

1- Making headway on my knitted blanket..

2- Singing in a choir for the first time since secondary school....i was humming my song the whole way home on the bus.

3- Unexpected chats on the bus home

4- Discovering my way round South London even more.

5- Having a big night in..steaks, wine and the Hobbit 2!

6- Putting a deposit down for my new bike....excited doesn't even explain how i feel!

7- Being able to walk a big chunk of my commute to work.

Sorry for the work heavy post....I'm sure this won't be happening very much as the year goes on!
How has your week been?

Monday, 15 September 2014

Moments from the last 7 days

Gosh where are these weeks going? Apart from some pesky neighbours partying into the early morning last night my week has been a really good one and this week is shaping up to be alright as it when that happens! Now for some moments from the last week that have made me particularly happy:

1- Mapping out potential pubs and eateries along my route to work to make into a pub crawl...

2- Going out for dinner not once, not twice but three times this week....being in full time work definitely creates an appetite.

3- Enjoying the landmarks in London. Sitting in the park at Westminster is a nice way to clear your head after a full on day.

4- Walking through Carnaby street during the busiest moment this week, every shop had a discount and everyone bar myself it seems had a bottle of beer/ cocktail in their hand

5- Collecting conkers

6- Following strangers around Sainsburys to find where they got the soda bread mix from....

7- Making said soda bread with our homemade Ulster fry...bit of home in London yum!

How has your last week been?
Chloe x

Monday, 1 September 2014

Moments from the last 7 days

Yay...I managed to only miss one 7 day review so far....I'm feeling a little bit proud of that. The last two weeks have been so lovely. Adam and I went back to Northern Ireland for a week and then I stayed on a week longer to attend a family wedding. We were total tourists while in Northern Ireland which was nice for a change, we even managed to get in a gig since Belsonic was on while we were back.

Anyway, the last 7 days:

1- Visiting childhood locations with happy memories.

2- Saving some kittens

3- Playing hairdresser for my little sis despite the fact I am one of the worst people to ask to help when it comes to worked out okay in the end.

4- Attending one of the most beautiful and relaxed weddings i have been to. An outside wedding in Ireland is brave but it paid off for them.

5- Acting silly around family

6- Getting seats with extra leg room for my flight back to London....most likely the comfiest flight I've ever had as a result.

7- Being distracted from my nerves by Adam all day long....and getting a delicious dinner in the meantime.

All in all it was a pretty good week. This week is my first in my new job so I'm expecting to be exhausted come Friday!

How has your last week been? Chloe x